
Root Cause of Racism

Racism is the identification of a person/self according to the race of the body that self is in. This is like identifying people with their shirts. If you walk along the street, you will see many different-colored shirts. If one of those shirts is purple, you don’t see the person wearing that shirt as a purple person; you see him as someone who merely is wearing a purple shirt. Racism is based on the inability to see that different-colored bodies are just like different-colored shirts.

Jagad Guru Chris Butler - Science of Identity Foundation

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Introduction to the Science of Yoga

The subtle layers of matter that first cover you—such as the mind, intelligence, and false ego—are like underclothes. Then, over the subtle material elements come the grosser material elements (going from the more subtle to the more gross), which cover you, the self, layer by layer. The layer of ether or sky covers over the mind, intelligence, and false ego; then the element air covers the element ether; the element fire then covers the element air; next the element water covers over the element fire; and finally the element earth covers over the element water.

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You Will Always Exist

Yogis have a meditation technique that helps them to realize that they are not the body. All day long they say to themselves, “I am aware that I am doing such-and-such.” By doing this they experience a type of detachment from their body and its activities. While a yogi is eating, for example, he’ll say to himself. “I am aware that I am eating … I am aware that I am tasting something sweet.” He doesn’t dive into the taste—rather, he is a little apart from it. He gradually becomes detached from all the body’s activities, sensations, feelings, and so on.

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The Self is of Real Value

The real value of the body lies not in the organization of its components, but rather in the self, in the person who operates and uses that body.

Science of Identity Foundation - Jagad Guru Speaks

Because it is the self who uses the body, this self sees value in the body. Other people see value in the body of some other self primarily because the body is a means by which that self communicates with them, expresses love to them, works for them, and so on.

Jagad Guru Chris Butler

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Clinical Death

Almost everyone who has researched clinical death agrees that a significant number of individuals (about 35 percent, according to the Gallup poll) have had experiences while their bodies were clinically dead. This not only means that these people continued to exist after their bodies were dead, but also that they were aware of their existence.

Jagad Guru Chris Butler - Science of Identity Foundation

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About Jagad Guru Siddhaswarupananda Paramahamsa (Chris Butler)

Jagad Guru Chris Butler Jagad Guru Siddhaswarupananda Paramahamsa is a highly respected yoga guru (teacher) coming in a long line of authentic spiritual masters in the ancient Vedic tradition known as Vaishnavism. He is the founder of the Science of Identity Foundation and has expertly taught students all over the world in the science of yoga. Many serious individuals inspired by Jagad Guru have now taken on the role of teachers to assist him in spreading yoga wisdom.

As a long-time proponent of nonsectarianism, Jagad Guru has worked in union with other Vaishnava acharyas (teachers), including Puri Maharaj, Paramadvaiti Maharaj, B.B Tirtha Maharaj, and others to establish the World Vaishnava Association, an umbrella organization composed of more than 30 different Vaishnava missions around the world.

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Freedom and Understanding Your Identity

If you wrongly identify yourself with your body—your senses—you will erroneously conclude that you can achieve happiness through material sense gratification.

Jagad Guru Chris Butler - Science of Identity Foundation

The more your senses are in control, the more you are in the position of being controlled by them. Therefore the less free you are.

Jagad Guru Chris Butler - Science of Identity Foundation

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Three Simple Questions

Let me ask you a few simple questions: Do you exist at this moment? Did you exist five years ago? Are you your body?

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Cultivating Knowledge

The wise have explained that one result is derived from the culture of knowledge, and that a different result is obtained from the culture of nescience. ~Sri Ishopanishad, Mantra Ten
For one who lives a hedonistic life, a life in which nescience is cultivated, the results are envy, anger, greed, impatience, disrespect for others, anxiety, depression, hatred, ever-increasing lust, forgetfulness, frustration, dissatisfaction, duplicity, fear of death, and so on.

Jagad Guru Chris Butler - Science of Identity Foundation


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Inner Peace, Self-Realization, Social Harmony

The yogi’s interest is inner peace and self-realization and social harmony.

Jagad Guru Chris Butler - Science of Identity Foundation


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